
It is National Chocolate Cake day! Give this recipe a shot as it will surely be a unique and delicious cake! Make sure to use your KitchInventions products to help you out while preparing this dessert!
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It is National Cheese Lovers Day! Do yourself a favor and use a Pan Buddy™ with your skillet! Cast iron gets very, very hot. After burning my hand one too many times, I learned. I always use two potholders AND both hands when picking up a my cast-iron pan. I'm afraid I might burn my hand or drop my skillet! It could happen...
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Did you know it is National Gluten-Free Day? You will fall in love with this delicious cornbread recipe. The crisp exterior and soft, moist inside, covered in a thick layer of creamy butter and honey will have you hooked! When you are in need of the warm fuzzies, bake a loaf and eat way too many pieces while it’s still warm from the cast-iron skillet.
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It is National Bake Day! Try this baked ziti! This hearty combination of pasta, tomato sauce and gooey cheese, can be time-consuming. We were looking to streamline this dish, achieving the same delicious results in less time. Our first priority was the sauce. We used a hot cast-iron skillet to get a nice blistery char on grape tomatoes, bringing a deep, caramelized flavor to the sauce.
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This easy dessert takes no time and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Wondering about the coconut oil? It serves two functions. 1. It thins the chocolate slightly, making it easier to dip the Oreos. 2. It helps the chocolate set much more quickly in the fridge. It's a win/win!
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