Reese’s™ Peanut Butter Cup™ Cookie Skillet

3 cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 eggs
1 cup packed Brown Sugar (Spoon Buddy can be used to measure in 1/2 cup increments)
1 cup Granulated Sugar
2 cups Reese’s Pieces {a little less than one 15 oz. bag}
20 Reese’s Minis
1 1/2 cups Unsalted Butter softened
1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp. Orange Sprinkles {optional}
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2. Cut Mini Reese’s in half, and set aside.
3. In medium bowl, mix together Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda and Salt with large spoon until well combined.
4. In large mixing bowl, cream together Butter, Brown Sugar, White Sugar, and Vanilla Extract with mixer. After well mixed, add eggs and continue mixing. Place messy utensil on Spoon Buddy in between mixing.
5. Gradually mix in flour mixture until all is well combined.
6. Stir in Reese’s Pieces with large spoon.
7. Lightly grease 12″ Cast Iron Skillet, then transfer dough into skillet, pressing down evenly with spatula.
8. Transfer skillet to oven with Pan Buddy and bake for 33 – 40 minutes, or until cookie puffs up and edges are done and crispy. Center will be slightly gooey, which adds to the decadence of this over-the-top treat.
9. Remove from oven with Pan Buddy and immediately sprinkle with optional Orange sprinkles, then gently press Reese’s minis evenly into top of cookie. Any leftover Reese’s Pieces can also be gently pressed into top of cookie.
10. Allow cookie to cool in the Skillet for a few minutes, then go to town! Slice up pieces like a pie, or serve straight from the skillet with big scoops of Ice Cream in the center! ENJOY!
Recipe found at